Imperial Business & Training

                                                                              Food Manager Certification

All food service managers who are responsible for the storage, preparation,display and serves foods to the public must successfully pass a Certified Food Manager Certification examination. Each licensed establishment shall have at least one Certified food manager per shift and if supervising 4 or more employees. Certification is good for 5 years. Exams must be proctored an training must be  approved ANSI accredited program. Imperial Business is partner with an ANSI-CPFM Accredited Examination Provider. Imperial Business offers private classes as well as meeting room classes. Our trainer are specialized in the field of food safety. They will take the time to explain the topic answer your questions and prepare you to take the exam. After the training you are given up to 2 hours to complete and 85 questions multiple choice exam. Upon passing you will receive your certification.

if you have any questions please feel free to call us at 866-408-2526 or 305-482-1914. 

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